Refresh your spirit and your day

Come by and linger awhile and let our living healing art come your way to refresh your spirit and your day. Our living art is based on color therapy and imagery studies. You can view more images live and in motion on our bio pages at ( Whenever you need to take a break, come by and linger awhile and let the living art come your way.)
You can show it freely this way to loved ones and others in need in hospitals, nursing homes, waiting rooms, rehab centers etc. to help wash their troubles away. When you need to take a break yourself, feeling blue or looking for inspiration for your next project, come by and linger awhile. It does not take much time to tune up the brain waves this way.
The image above is fromhttp:/ for those who are looking for something deeper in the spirit. You will find a healing prayer based on the 23rd psalm, the healing in living blue waters, the second touch prayer and the comforting prayer My Shepherd is the Lord